Friday, September 16, 2011

It's good to be back!

Back to school!!! Back to USM! :) It's good to be back! After 4 months of loooooong break, I'm excited for what God has in store for this sem :) It will be great because He is a great God!
His promises are Yes and Amen! Well, challenges are real..I'm feeling it right now even during this first week of semester. I'm learning to hold on to His promises, learning to allow God to work in me and through me..

Attended a class this morning, Principles of Finance. The lecturer is..quite funny. And when he wanted to introduce himself, he said this jokingly, "Actually I'm not that important right? What's most important for you is your grade." It hit me. It hit me because sometimes this happen to me when I'm overwhelmed with assignments and studies..

Father, I want to always focus on things that matter for eternity. Help me Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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