Saturday, September 17, 2011

I just came back from Leaders' Training Retreat for PKA. I am so blessed! man, I went there without expecting to receive anything because I thought this time I will just be there to help out and do what I'm suppose to do for my subcomm.. presentation, bla bla.. but I have received so muchhh! A big thank you to Annette and Darshini who came to bless us! :) Especially Annette..her schedule is very packed but yet she made time for us.. She considers this as a privilege, so humble :) (I will post an entry on that soon when I get the pics :D)

I'm now planning dance steps for tomorrow's service. It's my first time dancing solo. Kinda scary but I just want to please God and worship Him with all that I am..all that I have. I'm not good at dancing.. really. Sometimes I wonder why am I in this ministry.. but in my weakness, I'm drawn closer to Him :) So yeah, God, help me to minister to You and allow You to minister through me! I loveeeee You, Pa! :)

In Him, I live, I move and have my being!

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