Friday, February 28, 2014


The only place where I can cool down for a minute (despite feeling overwhelmed)..and take a deep the toilet. Funny but true.

Monday, February 24, 2014

"Urgent ah."
"Top urgent."
"Super urgent."
"Pls settle, it's urgent."

I wish I were..but I am not..a superhero. Period.

Monday, February 17, 2014

God is able

In His name we overcome
for the Lord our God is able.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Intern's SHIP

(may not apply to everyone..maybe it's just me!)

Working hours is 8am-5pm. But please be found at your work place by 7.20am because you need to write reports and submit them by 9am.

If you happen to bump into your General Manager while you're using the photostat machine, make sure you let him/her use it first. Because the things you're doing cannot possibly be as urgent as theirs. You are just a trainee.

Networking is important. Smile and make friends.

You have to be quick to learn. Nobody has time for you to take your own sweet time.
A few kind souls might spend some time to explain things to you.

Be efficient and constantly absorbing information! Although you are constantly overloaded with information, your brain just need to keep downloading! You are considered slow if you fail to pick up things in a week's time.

One mistake that you do can cost a lot of money and get people into trouble! So be very very and EXTREMELY careful.

You can be physically tired but you can't be mentally tired. Be alert. Be prepared. Be flexible.

Even if people say things about you or putting you down, don't show your emotions. If you want to cry, go home and do it. When you work, you WORK.

Expectations are normal because you are paid. They don't care how little you are paid.

You are required to be a runner too. Yes it's something like marathon runner. Just that you are running around the company for other people's errands. A term in hokkien says 'Wrap mountain, wrap sea'.

Oh, working world is so fun!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 

Psalm 23:4

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Have you ever went through an experience where you thought you were going to die?
What went through your mind?
They say normally you will think of people who are important to you.
. people whom you love most.

It's true!

Friday, February 7, 2014


I am an emotional being. My emotions perform better than my brain sometimes or most of the times??! Is that why I don't like to use my brain?
not funny!