Tuesday, March 27, 2012

special thanks!

This post is dedicated to all excos in PKA 2011/2012 :) do you feel touched or not? hahaha, I want to thank all of you for your patience and love that you've shown towards me for the past semester as I learn (actually still learning haha) how to serve in the leadership team. I know it's hard to tahan someone like me hahahaha so I really thank you for that haha! It has been great and I would say that it's a privilege to be able to work with you guys :) This team has cheered me on when I felt so tired in serving and your heart of service has challenged me to give more to God.

Monica Khoo the President :) Tai Kar Che of PKA :) You've been a real encouragement and role model to me without you knowing. You never fail to look out for others and try your best to include them in the family. If I am really a queen, I would have promoted you to be my General ahhahahah :) You led by example and your actions speak louder than words. May you continue to be a blessing in your church after you graduate :)
Thanks Monica! :)

Melanie Yong the VP. Cat lover *eww* haha You're like the caretaker of this family. Your sincerity and your love towards the juniors compels me to learn how to jaga them and not leave them out. A woman who has a big heart for missions, not forgetting Malaysia! May you continue to use the gift that God has given to you to connect people back to the church and most importantly, back to God :)

Ngoo Sze Jie the treasurer. :) A small size girl with a big heart :) I still remember you woke me up during CPR because of 20 cents! hahahaha It's PKA's blessing to have you to jaga our money :) God sees your faithfulness in the little things that you do and He will surely multiply it :) May you continue to be an architecture student (for now, real architect in the future haha) that builds up the Kingdom of God! :D

Ngoo Sze Min the secretary :) My beloved course mate who is very patient with me HAHA it's great to work with you whether in our assignments or PKA, we need people like you who are into details (Sze Jie too! haha). Thank you for being there to listen to my complaints haha I appreciate your service in PKA, mostly behind the scenes :) How you ran up and down to HEP :), applying for DK/BT, writing minutes.. God sees! :D May Jesus be the only audience in the things that you do and the words that you speak! :)

Joanna Grace Dorai the Cell Group Coordinator :) How come you so pretty one? hahahaa not only that, smart melebih some more! HAHA Thank you for serving alongside with us in the team. Your love for God and your desire in wanting to please Him is something that I want to pick up. I still keep the note that you've written to me and it meant so much :) The dolphin too! HAHA Continue to rock on, Joanna! You're just cool like that :)

Wilbur the Niser. HAHAHAH, just kidding. I mean, Wilbur the Praise & Worship Subcomm leader. Heehee :) The thinker. The melancholy. The analyzer. The Diam-diam-Ubi-Berisi. Thank you for challenging my thoughts with your 'deep' questions, it made me think more :) Thanks for the 'decision' that you've made :) I believe many are blessed by your service. Thank you for tahan-ing me, all the noise haha please don't forget me when you become rich in the corporate world haha. Be salt and light for Jesus wherever you are! :)

Tien Hui the Education Subcomm leader. Why are you so in love with me? ahahhaha Thanks for the things that you've done to strengthen our friendship, i appreciate them :) Your willingness to accept corrections and wanting to improve has challenged me to do the same. I'm glad to have a great friend who teach me how to think more, to be more aware of the things around me and most importantly, to love my very own country :) Continue to berkhidmat untuk negara dan kerajaanNya :p

Stephanie the Prayer Subcomm leader :) You're one of my 'early' friends in PKA :) I'm very glad that God has sent you to me. It's a great blessing to have you as my friend because you are a good friend :) Thanks Steph for the word of encouragement, the prayers (we should pray for each other more often :D, i miss those times! haha) and your listening ears. No matter what you're going to do in the future, God will bless it as you live to honor Him and giving Him the glory He deserves :)

Lum Wai Quan the Follow-Up subcomm leader :) *superman pose* haha Thank you Wai Quan for working so closely with Evangelism subcomm. Thanks for all your support and encouragement. As I serve alongside with you, your service always make me reflect on my attitude when I serve. You always do things behind the scenes and you never complaint about the things that you do for PKA, no matter how small :) that's a very beautiful thing, a heart of a servant. Keep up the good work! :)

Being in the excos team sometimes make me wonder... why God never make me a melancholy? so that I could actually think before I say something..and have the ability to analyze things? or why didn't God make me a phlegmatic? If so, I would probably be more relaxed and not so tensed up? more people-oriented and not so task-oriented?

So that I can never say I do not need Tien Hui or Wai Quan or whoever.. We are all many parts of one body. My weaknesses could be other people's strengths and their weaknesses could be my strengths. We are not here to disqualify those who are weak. We are here to edify and to complement each other. That's how A BODY should work.

But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it.
How strange a body would be if it had only one part! Yes, there are many parts, but only one body. The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.” 1 Corinthians 12:18-21

Thanks to all the many parts! :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

marriage vow

Marriage vows are promises that couples make to each other during a wedding ceremony.

"I, ____, take you, ____, for my lawful (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

I enjoy listening to marriage vows whenever I go for weddings :) I think it's a beautiful thing.

You know, it's so easy to love a girl when she is young and pretty, energetic and healthy.
It's so easy to love a guy when he is good looking and nice,
successful and rich.

Will you still love her when she starts to have wrinkles on her face?
Will you still love her when she starts to get weak and need you to push her on a wheelchair?
Will you still love her when she becomes fat after giving birth? (biasa kan?)
Will you still love him when he loses his hair?
Will you still love him when he wets his pants?

Will you still love him when his gigi all tercabut? haha :)

"for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

What does this really means?

Love..endures all things.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Words kill, words give life;
they're either poison or fruit—you choose. Proverbs 18:21 (The Message)

I think..He allows me to relearn this...in a hard way.
because the soft way did not hit me hard enough? haha

Saturday, March 17, 2012

zaman kegemilangan?

I was a girl guide. a ranger. an active one! How come you no believe??? They do not believe that I spent hours tying gadgets and building campsites under the hot sun and rain. They do not believe that I was the president for 1st coy company and also the Assistant Unit Leader (Treasurer) for 12th Ranger Unit.. whyyyyy? i mean, whyyy not??? :p I used to go for drilling practices every day! every single day under the hot sun.. I used to be the drilling commander, giving people instructions tau :p *squad, pusing ke kanan, pusing!* *squad, baris sedia!* I also attended most of the gatherings and campfires..but never had the chance to go for TC2 (Sorry Timothy Gan, if you're reading this :p hahaha) But I did participated in Traplex, CTC, MBS Cooking Competition, Jota Joti, etc etc etc etc too many to remember! hahaha let you see some of my 'glorious' trophies :p

btw, overall means champion ok? :p

This is a personal trophy, ahem..I repeat, PERSONAL trophy. :p

So..the question is..what happened to Phang Carmen now? HAHAHA. I think the reason is simply because I'm getting old LOL. nah. Guiding used to be something that I treasure most. My passion, my pride, my hobby, something that I really really enjoyed.. but if I had a choice..if I knew Jesus earlier.. I don't think I would be so involved in girl guides/ranger. I would rather use that time, money and resources to do things that would count for eternity. Instead of being bossy and prideful with my own achievements, I would choose to invest that energy into people's lives and to bless others. Instead of discouraging and judging those members who were under me because of those trophies, how I wish I could speak life and words of encouragement to lift up these precious lives in God's sight. Instead of fighting very hard to win others' approval and strive to be in the top position, how I wish I knew my security and position in Christ.

But I know God's timing is perfect. He has a plan for me. I won't be where I am today if I didn't go through my 'past'.. It's great to see God works in my life. So evident. So real. So awesome.

You see those trophies that I tried to mengada-ngada just now?? Hahaha Actually they meant nothing to me now besides..some plastic decorations on the rack :) Worse thing now, is that I actually feel they are quite 'chor teng' lor. So dusty some more.hahaha.

You know, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hands
But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand.

Hmm..really zaman kegemilangan meh? No lah.
I find my glory in the power of the cross :)

healthy lifestyle woooot!

I'm working hard towards healthy lifestyle this semester!

Steps that I want to take:
1. Cycle at least once a week
2. Captain ball/sports every Sunday

Wonder why I woke up so early today? :) nyek nyek nyek, i'm going for hiking :p wish me luck. I hope...I'll survive :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fruit of the Spirit

My temperament is not an excuse for me to continue behaving the way I am..
because now the Holy Spirit lives in me, changing me to be more and more like Christ!

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Galatians 5:22-25

Monday, March 12, 2012

It's Your kindness Lord that leads me to repentance
Your favor Lord is my desire
It's Your beauty Lord that makes me stand in silence
Your love, Your love is better than life

Nothing compares to the promise I have in You

"I sing for joy at the work of Your hands." - from song: shout to the Lord

I always refer 'the work of Your hands' to God's creation like the sky, the moon, the stars, the galaxy, etc. But then this morning as I was worshiping, it hit me..that the 'works of Your hands' could also mean His hands moulding me, shaping me, correcting me, disciplining me, making me into His image.

Can I still sing for joy at the work of His hands when the discipline gets tough?

Can I still sing for joy at the work of His hands when it's painful?

For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. Hebrews 12:10-11

I sing for joy at the work of Your hands,
Forever I'll love you, Forever I'll stand,
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

i think she is a sanguine :O

I suspect that this girl is a sanguine!
She is easily distracted.
Always active and playful.
She would rather tahan mati (so that she can continue playing) THAN TO SLEEP.
She likes to kacau people too :)
Loud? Yes, loud! :O

Thursday, March 8, 2012


If you don't love your own family, then how can you love others?

If we love our Christian brothers and sisters, it proves that we have passed from death to life. But a person who has no love is still dead. 1 John 3:14

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God. 1 John 3:18-19

Monday, March 5, 2012

indah pada waktunya

Ada waktu tuk berduka
Ada waktu tuk bersuka
Ada waktu tuk berdiam
Ada waktu tuk berkata

Namun di atas sgalanya
Ku tau Allahku bekerja
Mendatangkan kebaikan
Bagi yang mengasihiNya

Disaat yang ku alami
Tak seperti yang kuingini
Disaat tiada jawapan
Mengapa harus terjadi

Namun di atas sgalanya
Ku tau Allahku bekerja
Mendatangkan kebaikan
Bagi yang mengasihiNya

Mungkin tak kupahami
Apa yang kini aku alami
Namun ku tau pasti
Kasih Allahku takkan berhenti

Kan ku srahkan semua
Pergumulanku padaMu Yesus
Karna kutau pasti
Semuanya kan jadi
Indah pada waktuNya

I've been telling God "NO" and "I can't" even before seeking Him..
If God is asking me now, "Carmen, what is in your hands?" like how He asked Moses in Exodus chapter 3.. I really don't know....

"God, I really don't know if there's anything in my hands.. but I know You cause everything to work together for the good of those who love You. I will wait for You and I will hear from You."

semuanya kan jadi indah pada waktunya.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Simple words that I learnt during chinese class :)


I'm quite proud of myself actually :p nyek nyek nyek

Who is Jin?

I look at youtube comments, tweets, emails, etc. and think to myself, “These are real people, with real lives and real thoughts.”

To me that means more than just an artist trying to get a random person to listen to their song or buy their product.

In the #nofanzone there are no fans, no idols.. only people connecting.

Read more at : No fan zone by MC Jin

I have always been proud of him..

and still am :) :)