Monday, March 22, 2010

God is all-powerful

Job 36:22-33 (The Message)

22-25 "Do you have any idea how powerful God is?
Have you ever heard of a teacher like him?
Has anyone ever had to tell him what to do,
or correct him, saying, 'You did that all wrong!'?
Remember, then, to praise his workmanship,
which is so often celebrated in song.
Everybody sees it;
nobody is too far away to see it.

26 "Take a long, hard look. See how great he is—infinite,
greater than anything you could ever imagine or figure out!

27-33 "He pulls water up out of the sea,
distills it, and fills up his rain-cloud cisterns.
Then the skies open up
and pour out soaking showers on eveyone.
Does anyone have the slightest idea how this happens?
How he arranges the clouds, how he speaks in thunder?
Just look at that lightning, his sky-filling light show
illumining the dark depths of the sea!
These are the symbols of his sovereignty,
his generosity, his loving care.
He hurls arrows of light,
taking sure and accurate aim.
The High God roars in the thunder,
angry against evil."
Cried out to God just about an hour ago
and He showed me these verses once I opened the bible,
He directed me. He gave me comfort.
I had trusted God, is trusting God and will continue to trust God.
Going off to Sabah for sabah mission trip until 3rd of April. Things happened and seem to be going against everything that was planned from the very beginning but still, God knows. God is in control.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Joanne Tan :) I remember when I first accepted Christ, she wasn't as passionate as she is right now. She would questioned me about my commitment towards church. I felt very discouraged when I didn't see her for prayer. I felt sad when I didn't see her growing in the Lord. But God is good and God is great. She is growing so much now. I'm so proud of her :) I'm very happy that she encouraged me yesterday when I needed comfort and encouragement. I'm so happy to see her grow and rising up for God. I don't know how to explain my feelings right now, it's just so good :) I hugged her this morning as she passed bible verses to me for my upcoming mission trip in Sabah. I thank God for her. I'm not supposed to open it up until tomorrow but I sort of like "tertengok'.lol. I'm happy to see you grow, Joanne :) really.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sabah mission trip is just around the corner. Can't believe that I'm going to finish this programme soon. After sym, i will have a lot a lot a lot of free time, probably going to find myself a job.. if anyone wants to hire me. Actually Pr Tom wants to hire me, hahaha..but I don't know whether I want to work in the church because church is my comfort zone. I never experience the working world before. Should I? :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

I was looking at jing hui's photos in my laptop. I miss her smile. She is so adorable and innocent. She is always full of joy :) So comel. I just pray that she will not be influenced by the world as she grows up, but she will be a strong woman of God. She will do great things for God, I pray :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


met jing hui this morning as i curi-curi intip her from the staircase :p

carmen : *smiles and waves at jing hui*
jing hui : *smiles and laughs*
carmen: go and study :) i will see you this saturday
jing hui : i want to take photos with you on saturday!!
carmen : *smiles* okayyy..byeeeee :D

by the way, we spoke in mandarin. lol. whenever i see her, i feel very happy! I went to buy a pair of pink colour pins for her just now. cuz she likes pink :D I don't understand why I sayang her so much, but I just sayang :)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

sym graduation 2010

Finally!!! I'm going to GRADUATE in a month's time :D hugahugahugahuga

Monday, March 8, 2010

welcome to my room

Linda labelled my room as "bilik hantu". I think she is right. Sis surya challenged us to clean our room everyday. I find it very challenging man, but goshhh, I will TRY..tomorrow onwards. heee

Sunday, March 7, 2010

yeoh jing hui

Yeoh Jing Hui. She is one of the children from radiant kids' club. I met her long time ago but get closer to her since yesterday because she is now in my class :) I was very tired few days back as we were having Mission Candidate Programme to sabah. I slept for like 5 hours ? Rushed from church to home and from home to church. When I reached church yesterday for rkc, I was like
superrrr tired and sleepy. Then I saw this girl :) She is very cute. She talked to me a lot but I can hardly hear her because she can't pronounce the word "S" and a few other words. So cute :) I looked at her, she was smiling and giggling all the way. terpukau la aku.
Took pictures with her and a few other children. She hugged me :D im very happy.
And she kissed me after I requested a few times. heeee. She made my day :) I miss her already