Monday, August 31, 2015

Harlooo :)


When I first started to work in Piktochart, I struggled with self-confidence and self-value because I work with many talented and gifted people at Piktochart. I tend to compare myself with them and wondering why was I even hired? Cause I don't have much to offer. As time passed by, I've grown to love these people. I work with very lovable and beautiful people which I'm very thankful for! :) Instead of comparing myself with them or dwelling in questions that I do not have answers for (except God putting me there for a reason, i guess it's a good enough reason?), I try to learn as much as I can from them and appreciate being around awesome peeps! :) Thank you for all your encouragement and prayers, I've now passed my probation and officially part of this wonderful family! Hip hip hurray!
PS: I'll be going for a company trip in Melbourne in two weeks' time, everything will be paid for except for our own spending on Free & Easy days. I didn't have much money to exchange for Aussie but God provided the exact amount I needed even without me asking! Yipieee :D

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church:

Happy 50th Birthday RGBC! :) This is where I grow, I learn, I serve and I belong. I used to struggle with a few disagreements and thought of leaving but then I've stayed on and I'm sooo glad I did! It has been 7 years now :) This is not a perfect church but it is definitely a good church. I've grown to appreciate my pastors, my leaders and RGBC-ians for guiding me and helping me to grow spiritually :) I'm proud to say that we have really good and caring leaders! I pray for us to move forward with God, more of God for the next 50 years and less of ourselves.
Lastly, Happy Merdeka to my one and only HOME !