Sunday, July 18, 2010

Be grateful

Pastor Tom : So how are you adjusting to your uni life?
Carmen : *sigh*
Wai Wai : This girl was so excited when she got into Usm but now she complains every single thing about USM since the very first day. Aiyoh, Be thankful and grateful!

This conversation took place in the sanctuary right after Sunday service this morning.
Wai Wai reminded me that God placed me here in USM for a purpose, but He definitely did not place me here so that I can complain every single thing that is "complainable" about USM. I realised how ungrateful I was. God, please forgive me. Before this, I was praying like crazy for God's will to be done in my life, but now I'm complaining like a fool, forgetting that His will is perfect for me. Like what Pr.Daniel has shared, "A true disciple of Christ can even find joy in suffering." I'm not even to the extend of suffering yet, what more can I ask for?

Thank you Jesus
for all that you have done.
for all that you are doing.
for all that you will be doing.