Monday, May 9, 2011

ya sor chin chia ho!

I'm so blessed today! Just came back from the hokkien service about 2 hours ago :)
3 years in RGBC, first time sitting in a hokkien service. I feel so encouraged and so blessed to see old men and women faithfully serving God and loving God :) so awesome!!

My grandma and I were sitting with an old couple during dinner (food was provided before service). The old lady was talking and sharing with my grandma (grandmother's stories kinda thing), I wasn't really listening.. but I heard her saying something like "Life is meaningless if we do not know God." I was smiling, but deep inside my heart I was like "PREACH IT, AUNTIE!!!"

The worship was cool!! An old auntie (I think about 70 years old) was playing keyboard. wah lau ehh, gaya man! So coooooool. I went out to share my testimony after that. I ended my testimony by saying, "Next month, I will be 3 years old in my walk with God. My prayer is that .. whether I'm 3 years old or 30 years old or 70 years old, I will still walk with God like many of you here, worshiping the one true God because there's no other way besides Jesus and there's no other God besides Jesus. Thank you and Happy Mother's Day!" While I was walking back towards my seat, there was this old uncle waving at me and gave me a thumb up :) It is so encouraging to know that God is using you to touch other lives, all glory to Jesus!

makan makan :) free food, so blessed :D

Grandma (left) and old auntie (right)..
I came to find out that the auntie is actually pastor's wife :O
we were actually sitting with the guest speaker
and his wife during dinner.
Dun play play, God knows how to arrange
'people' to sit with my grandma :p

chin chia ho! :) God is good!

Nobody gets a prize for starting the race well.
We only get a prize when we finish it well.


  1. Can't believe that it's gonna be 3 years already that u accepted Christ. Just felt like last week when I shared the gospel to you and you were telling me "I don't believe in God. Money is everything." What a turnaround your life has been since you accepted him. What a great testimony and encouragement to others like me. Keep burning for Him sister! :)

  2. hahahaha, YAAA, I REMEMBER I SAID THAT TO U IN DISTED LIBRARY! HAHAHA so funnyyyy, yeah glory to Jesus! :) hope to meet up with u soon :)
