Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Awesome plan

Went down to KL for a week before CPR to continue 'SWEEP'. During SWEEP, we only visited 2 homes (attachments) because we spent 3 days for each attachment.. I visited St.Mark's Cozy Home and Shelter Home (a school for myanmar refugee children) during SWEEP. So right after SWEEP, I came out with this plan where we can cover most of the attachments and randomly named it 'The Awesome Plan.' :)

The Awesome plan schedule
Monday - Crisis Home
Tuesday - Shelter Home
Wednesday - Shelter Home
Thursday - United Voice
Friday - St.Mark's
Saturday - Malaysian Association for the Blind (canceled)

I will roughly share what we did during Awesome plan (requested by Joshua) and what I have received personally :)

Day 1
Crisis Home

On the first day, we visited Crisis Home. This is a home for individuals living with HIV/Aids. Jai and other sweepers organised a birthday celebration for a few people there. I think it was my first time having physical touch with HIV/Aids patients? To be honest, I felt a bit scared before I went.. I clearly know that Aids virus is not transmitted through physical touch, eating together, saliva, etc, But somehow I was just scaring myself by thinking too much.. macam orang bodo -.- I prayed. What would Jesus do? Then I went. As soon as I reached there, I felt so welcomed. They shook my hands and welcomed me with a big smile :) They are really friendly and nice..FUNNY TOO! I think I spent 80% of my time there just laughing!

BBQ :)

Helped uncle Fai to cook 'penang char koay teow' aka normal mihun :p

Birthday boys

birthday cake :)

We played games and did Worship too :)

I'm happy to see them smiling and laughing because so many times they are being discriminated and left behind by the community. It matters so much to them by just being there as their friends. Actually what hit me most was sweepers themselves. I'm impressed by some of them who actually have the heart for these group of people. They made the preparations for the celebration without complaining about anything. Great job guys!

Day 2 & Day 3
Shelter Home

I was excited to go back to shelter home after one month as I really missed the children there. But this time, they were naughty! Wahhh, I cannot tahan. I think many times I reacted in anger and frustration rather than to respond in love :( Some may say it's ok to discipline the children but I think it's also important for me to reflect on myself and my own heart. After my first day there, I reminded myself on the reason why I was there. My focus has to be constantly fixed on Jesus. I can always do social work with my own strength, which I don't want. My strength comes from God.
The next day, I taught them some basic mathematics. I enjoyed myself very much, somehow! Sayang them laa.. Emily kissed me! Lily kissed me! Received two kisses, happy lah! :D Sometimes memang naughty la but which kid doesn't? :) And there was this boy, his name is Apivit. He is soooo cute. I can't understand him 90% of the time because he only communicate with me by using body language as he can't speak in english... "Teacher!! Ee ee eee eh ee ah!"

Actually mereka semua budak baik lar :)

Carmen : What are you drawing? Who is this?
Emily : Jeee-sus!
Carmen : Ohh.. Then this?
Emily : Simon!
Carmen : Why Simon so short one??
Emily : *Giggles*

So what have I learnt during my visitation at Shelter Home?
One thing that struck me is when Teacher Fung said, "Our God is faithful in answering prayers." I was like Wow. A refugee who is seeking for refuge said 'God is faithful'. Apatah lagi budak seperti saya ini yang tidak kelaparan, mempunyai tempat teduh, pakaian cantik, pendidikan, dll. Give thanks with a grateful heart.

Awesome incident! Zhong Xiang's cf van jatuh longkang. LOL

Ta daa! Lesson of the day: Do not put first gear after you parked your car. Thank you. :p

Day 4
United Voice

A centre for people with learning disabilities such as Down syndrome, Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, etc. I had a really great time there..again, most of the time just laughing! :D

Met Izzudin and Intan (members of UV) at Pasar Tani as we help them to sell the things which they make to support themselves. So cool! As I approached passers-by to help them to promote, I realised something. Many times, I reacted like most of the passers-by.. I do not have time for the needy, the disabled. Many of them replied me "I'm in a hurry" or just shook their heads even before I finish my sentence. So this is what I wrote in my journal, "Maybe we are really busy with our own lives..or maybe, just maybe we didn't really care..??.... If there's only one life that I can touch in my life time, then let it be one. May God enlarge my heart."

Perhaps one thing that I've learnt from them is their sincerity and transparency. They are very direct in their speech and all because they don't know how to twist their words or hide their feelings like many of us do. They just say thing as it is and I guess this is why they are so special :)

Helped them to make Raya cards.

Father, You love them just the same. May Your name be glorified even through them. May they find true wisdom, love and grace in You. In Jesus' name, amen.

Day 5

Going back to St.Mark gave me a whole new feeling altogether. Obviously, they couldn't remember me, lol. But seeing them again like visiting my own grandmas and grandpas. They were all so happy just because we were there. We didn't give them money or food, we were just there.

Uncle Chiew. I like him. He is very cute. As you can see, he has a lot of things on his wheelchair. He wrote his name on his pants, shoes, medicine, bottle, everything! so cute kan :D He is very nice to his wife too. He would wait for his wife outside the toilet, prepare bread for her, etc. So I kaypo and asked him about his love story :p He said,"Ngo lou ma chi on phai keh." (It was an arranged marriage by my mum) Then I asked, "A good wife right?" and he couldn't agree more. He remembered how his wife helped him and supported him through all the difficulties in his businesses when he was young. Ah, how lovely :)

Then, there is this uncle who is very sick. He can't talk.. He is always sitting on the wheelchair. Can hardly open his eyes. Then when we were about to leave, I walked passed him but suddenly he grabbed my hand so tightly.. I was quite surprised. I bended towards him and asked, "Uncle, mat yeh si?" (Yes uncle?) He didn't say anything. "Uncle, lei hou mou?" (Uncle, how are you?) He remained silent. I looked at him and felt so helpless.. He did not let go of my hand. I continued, "Uncle, lei yiu sun yeh sou." (Uncle, you have to believe in Jesus). He looked at me with his half-opened left eye without saying a word. I'm not sure if he understood but I prayed for him. I think sometimes even when we want to help others, we don't know how. But God can. He saw us even before we were born. He knows our names. Most importantly, He cares.

Hugged Allison before I left :) Sayanggg :) :)

Lastly, Thank you dear sweepers who joined the Awesome plan and also those who kept us in prayer. Indeed there is power in coming together, supporting, encouraging and building each other.
Thank you! :)

Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
Don’t worry about evil people who prosper
or fret about their wicked schemes.

Stop being angry!
Turn from your rage!
Do not lose your temper—
it only leads to harm.
For the wicked will be destroyed,
but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land.

Psalm 37:5-9

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