Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku..

It was only 2 years ago that I started to learn to love my country..because I know my God's heart is also for this nation. Nevertheless, I still have so much more to do correct me if I'm wrong :)

Recently, I have been seeing a lot of posts and comments on FB that are related to GE 13.With all the big huu-haa about General Election and different parties, I can't help but to be disappointed to see how some christians (even leaders) responded. I saw a post where people are misusing God's word to 'side' the party that they are supporting. I think this is very wrong. The thing is this; it is very obvious that the post is a lie because the photoshop was really bad.. and I cannot tahan when I see christians sharing this photo and adding more inappropriate comments..cursing individuals. My room mate is right when she said, "People are being very irrational now."

Am I not angry at how some politicians use money and free gifts to procure votes?

Am I not angry at how some politicians use dirty strategies against one another?
Am I not angry at how fellow Malaysians beat others up just because of some flags?
Am I not seeking and praying for a better Malaysia?
Am I not for clean and fair election??

Despite all these, I think we have to constantly remind ourselves that we are attacking issues, not individuals. We hate sin, not sinners. What would Jesus do? I have to remind and ask myself too.

Yes, we pray for a better Malaysia.. but let us also pray for blind eyes to be opened..for those who do not know God to know Him. Let us also pray for ourselves, that God may grant us wisdom and discernment in our words and actions.

Yesterday, a junior asked me "What if things remain the same after 5/5?"
I thought for awhile and replied..

"God knows what He is doing."

Monday, April 22, 2013

Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Who Will Light the Way?

WHO WILL light the way
for tomorrow's dreams?
WHO WILL be a beacon
to those wandering in darkness?
WHO WILL catch a vision
and obey the godly call?
WHO WILL stand firm?
WHO WILL stay the course,
never wavering under pressure?
WHO WILL reflect heaven's rays
of promise to the hopeless traveler?
WHO WILL be a shelter
from the battering winds
and waves?
WHO WILL reach out
to the lonely
when no one else will?
If not us, then who?
(Written by Rebecca Barlow Jordan).

where is their hope?

Grand uncle passed away yesterday and it was a sudden news to my grandma who just recovered from breathing difficulty. I felt helpless as I saw her teared in the funeral just now. I think she is quite tough, really. It has been quite some time since the last time I went for a non-christian funeral. There is such a big difference between a christian funeral and a non-christian funeral. One with hope.. one without hope. It can be really scary to die without knowing where you will end up after that.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

There are a lot of rituals and chanting carried out in a non-christian funeral..yet I wonder..where is their hope?