Friday, February 20, 2015

Happiness is when...

you get to sleep all you want without the need to set your alarm.

Sleeping is a blessing!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Didn't have any time to blog for the past few weeks though there are many things I would like to share! It has been crazy OT for the past weeks and including working on a Saturday. Aihh. Apart from work, life has been good. haha 

Shaun came up to Penang last weekend to meet up. It was a short 3 days but AWESOME!

When fine dining is too main stream on Valentine's day, we have steamboat!  :D 
Reunion dinner came early for us :) as usual, i love the ham!!!

And I converted him to become a converse follower! cause his shoes are boring haha


It has been refreshing for me as well.. to take my mind off work-related stuff and thoughts. so I'm really thankful for him! 
I remember people asking me if I would prefer being single (like how I used to be) or in a relationship. I used to prefer single hood; I can do my own stuff, when life is all about me, myself and I..and God too, of course hehe it was care-free and not so draining emotionally (hmm not at all, actually haha). But now I'm also thankful to God for bringing me a partner who supports me and someone who can share the joy and the pain :) 

So I guess there is no such thing as single is better or in relationship is better.. if you are still single then enjoy your single hood..if you're in relationship, enjoy your relationship loh haha 


By the way, I almost got in to 2 escalation cases just in the past 2 weeks. Yes, Singaporeans do what they do best - complain. It was God's favor that I got out of them :) can't explain to you in details here but if you wish to know more, I can testify His goodness!

Dear Customers,

If no money, don't sign up for credit cards. There is no such thing as future money or free lunch in this world. And if you make the payment late, then there is such thing called late charge.

It is your own fault if you do not know how to manage your own finance. So please keep the abusive language to yourself :)

Anyway, happy cny! :D huat ahh!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

:D :D :D

My heart rejoices when OT is cancelled and system is down! even if it's just few hours WEEEEEEEEE :D

Sunday, February 1, 2015


A quitter, I am. 

I realize how easily I give up on something or someone..especially when the going gets tough. I'm not a tough person and I hate challenges so I will always incline to the easy way out - escape or run away. My flesh would always choose comfort rather than pain, self rather than others. This morning in church, I was just worshiping God and wondering if God understands how I feel or can He even relate to me since He is God Himself? 

Then I was reminded on the Garden of Gethsemane. A place where Jesus prayed to God, to take away the cup of suffering; the cross that He was about to die on, the sins of the world that He needed to carry. Yet, He chose obedience to the will of the Father.. to die on the cross.

At this point (as I'm typing all these), there is still tug-of-war happening inside of me. One part says, "Trust your Father" and another says, "I don't want to do this anymore". My boyfriend said leadership is a lonely journey because most leaders walk alone. I would like to add on to that; not only leaders but any person who is going through struggles - be it sickness, financial difficulty, family issues, ministries, addictions, workplace politics - these are all lonely journeys because at the end of the day, you have to face it all by yourself. No one can walk this journey for you though some comforts and encouragement may help.

On that night when Jesus was arrested, nobody was there to encourage or to comfort, worst still all His disciples flee. Honestly, if I were there 2000 years ago, I'd definitely flee too because I would be as fearful as they were. Wondering how Jesus must have felt back then? and when He shouted, "My God, my God why have You forsaken me?"

He went through all that just so that today we can call God as our Father and we can be assured that Our Father will never leave us nor forsake us.

That's my comfort.