Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year!!

Tonight is a bright night :) The moon is so big macam kuih bulan. I feel as though God is shining His love unto me :) I just feel so blessed. Just came back from watch night service and I just felt the urge to blog. Because I want myself to remember what God has spoken into my life and I want to hold on to it! I went with an open heart and I just felt so excited, I don't quite understand why :p As the worship team lead the first song, my heart felt very heavy. It wasn't pain...but it was just heavy. At that point of time, I know that I'm going to receive from the Lord. Pastor Palan shared about doing the right thing the right way. Many of us know what we want and we know where to go but sad to say that not many of us know the right way to do it. Why is it important to do the right thing? So that we will not trying to do the wrong things and end up suffering. I was so tempted in doing things on my own ways recently. I almost compromise my faith but I thank God I didn't. The thing that I always wanted, I believe "It's not yet time" and I will wait on God's timing because nothing, nothing can ever go wrong in Him. I put my trust in the Lord, wherever He takes me I will follow. I believe and I know He's with me. Yes, Jesus is real to me. This year, 2010, I want to pray like never before. I want to pray more and do less. :) I want to seek God and I'm going to make a commitment to fast and go down on my knees before the Lord. I want to hear clearly from God. All in all, I'm going back to Him, my Creator. That's my new year resolutions!

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33


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