Many of my friends thought that I received Christ into my life (becoming a Christian) because of my other Christian friends. I was influenced by my Christian friends, they said. I don't blame them because even my family thought so.. But one thing that I want to clarify is - becoming a christian is a free will. No one can force you to accept Christ or "influence" you to become a christian. If you are a true christian, people around you must be able to see the change in you, becoming more like Jesus and living out a christian life.
If not, are you even a christian after all? Being born in a christian family, doesn't make a child a christian. That child needs to believe in Jesus himself/herself. She/He needs to believe in her/his heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross and ressurected again,
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
If I was being influenced by my friends, I don't think there would ever be transformation in my life because friends won't be able to change me 180 degrees except God. No one can encounter God, and yet not being changed. I was a person who cannot live a day without saying vulgar, that was me. But since the day I knew Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I've changed. Now, I can't even bear to speak one vulgar word because I just simply, can't. Vulgar is so arghh.. menjijikkan. I thought it was fine, it was just a way i express my anger, it was cool. but hey, if "cool" defines me, then how low my value was?
God bought me with a high price, I'm valued by the blood of Jesus.
Before I came to know God, I felt money was everything. Money was all that I wanted to chase after, "no money no talk" concept was my concept. But after I know who God is, money is nothing compare to God, nothing at all. For the past 18 years, the world taught me to give my best in my studies, get a good job, climb up to a high position and earn big money, get a big house, get a big car - that's life. Rubbish! I'm not saying that God doesn't bless us with all these things, come on, God's blessings are more than you can ever imagine! (And I'm not saying that we shouldn't work hard ok, the bible is against lazy people) But our future doesn't lie on all these, we have greater cause than just this. God already promised that He has great plans for us, plans that will bring us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). It's God.!! GOD Himself promised.. But still people choose to run their own paths.. How sad ? Bible says
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and all these things will be added to you"
Matthew 6:33
In the name of Jesus, a hopeless alcoholic is set free, a drug addict finds release, a doubter becomes as a child in his belief, diseased tissues responds to treatment and healing begins!
etc etc etc etc!
Do you ever know How powerful the name of Jesus is?

Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.
The old life is gone, a new life has begun!
2 Corinthians 5:17