Wednesday, November 17, 2010

4 down, 2 more!

This is not longkang water or mud juice, this is COFFEE!

People say Coffee can make us stay awake.. I have no choice but to try :/

Ew...but still can take it....


Go Carmen, go! FIGHT!!


  1. carmen: works at first, but after your nerves got accustomed to it... it wont work anymore.

    n for me, i already had enough of coffee. at one point i drank so much i got noxious. x(

  2. carmen: good. then do not drink anymore.

    i once drank a whole flask of "double-shot" nescafe during BE last year with an empty stomach and suddenly my heart went racing and my hand slightly shaking.

    i ask my senior what went wrong, and the first thing she told me was" "You don't know that if you drink too much coffee on an empty stomach, you can die one ah..?"

    *Gulp* =.=
