Saturday, February 25, 2012

If God is for us,

then who can go against us? :)
For the past few days or shall i say weeks, I've been trying to decide which major I should choose for my management degree..I was actually deciding between International Business and Operations. I didn't really know which one I want but one thing I know is that I MUST GO FOR STUDENT EXCHANGE BEFORE I GRADUATE. Initially I already decided to major in International Business and I was already planning to go overseas next year in Feb. However, my heart did not have peace and I'm wondering is it just because of my own anxiousness or what? So, I prayed and prayed. God ah, please close all doors and open that one door so that I will know which one to go for. As I continued praying, somehow I just decided to change my major to Operations.
Now, you must know that we need to go through a few procedures in order to change our major e.g approaching the officers in School of Management and a few of our lecturers to sign the formS. Recently, many of our students were being 'scolded'/'nagged' by them. I don't know why, maybe because they felt irritated with the double/triple work that we have caused them? Two days ago, I went to SOM, trembling! But guess what? The Officers were all very nice to me :) Dr.Noor who is the head of International Business was not in so I have to approach Deputy Dean.. I explained to her why I needed to change my major,etc and she accepted my reasonable reason :D As she was writing a short approval note on my form, this verse came to me 'If God is for me, who can go against me?'. After that I ran with joy to Mr.Soh who is the head of Operations, he congratulated me :D He said, "You must really thank God that you are able to change your major!" Oh yes! Of course, I do :D

To cut the long story short, I have approached the officers for countless times but yet not even once I kena scolding leh :)

If God is for me, who can go against me? :)

Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas!

Sometimes we don't even talk for long hours on the phone because of RADIATION

Talk about Radiation??Link
Stop Lynas!!
Save Malaysia!!! Click here:
Why do we need to Stop Lynas?

How can I be so blinded
when the people around me are suffering?

I want to do something.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Look at this cheeky fella!
gerammmmmmm :) :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Last Friday during campus meeting, our topic was on Comparison. Personally, I think Wai Wai really did a great sharing, it was real and relevant too. Why do we actually compare with one another? Don't you get tired of it??? Like seriously...
I didn't take down notes, haha but one thing that really stayed with me was envy.

Sometimes we don't want others to do better than us, prettier than us, smarter than us and the list goes on. It's either something that others have and we want to have it or something that others have and
we don't want them to have it!
Geli isn't it? but I can relate to this.

Today, our final results came out. I saw a lot of my coursemates asking one another about our results. Hmm, sounds normal kan? but I really wonder the intention of us asking this question? Is it really because we care, or because we intend to compare with one another to make us feel better if we score higher than our friends? Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry if you ask me about my results haha, I give glory to God for my results..but I'm just wondering..Do we really care? or Do we really compare? If we really care, then we should be able to celebrate with those who celebrate and weep with those who weep.

To be honest, I had enough of comparison since UPSR up to STPM and now university. I really don't like it. Not because I'm ashamed of my results (I have nothing to be ashamed of if i know i have given my best..), but because I know that comparison will tear people down. Comparison makes people feel that they are always not good enough.

One thing about my God is He never compares us. He created us the way we are and know all our weaknesses. His love for us compels us to do good, to be good. Nothing you can do to make Him love you more.

Father, I pray that I will not tear others down to make myself feel better. Forgive me. Help me to always know that my security is in You. Help me to know that my identity is also in You. Everything comes from You including wisdom. Help me to always encourage and speak life to the people around me. Strengthen me to do that Lord, In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


It was another awesome Sunday Service that I had today :)
One of the songs that we sang during worship was 'Lift up your eyes' by Planetshakers. I sang this song a few times and I really like it. But today was a little bit different as I sang, because it struck me when I sang the chorus which goes like this:

Lift up your eyes
All of heaven's in worship
Angels rejoice and the clouds will be filled
With the wonder of your name

The train of his robe fills the temple with glory
Heavenly hosts fall before him in worship
Crying Holy,Holy,Holy is the Lord God Almighty

Revelation 4:8 says, "they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty." Here we see that the angels round about God’s throne never stop. Their worship is with a sense of awe and of wonder and it is also unceasing. They never stop worshipping God day and night before His throne!

How do you feel when only a few people attended prayer meeting or maybe youth service? or whatever lah.. Sometimes worship pun tak bersemangat that kinda thing..our hearts may ask, "Why people no come?" or "Why people no semangat worship?"

Can i suggest this to you AND EVEN MYSELF? Lift up your eyes and see ALL OF HEAVEN'S IN WORSHIP! The moment we 'start' worshipping, is the moment when we join the angels in worship! :D

and God spoke so clearly today.
I shall share some other time :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

huat ah! :)

HUAT AH!! :) had a great time during CNY, packed but fun! :) :) met up with family, relatives, friends and friends and friends :) this is what CNY is all about kan? :)

CNY is not complete without Reunion dinner :)

Baby Reon in cheongsam :)

Reon: Hello?

:D loot at her gigi

Became local tourist for a day :) Fort cornwallis!

The chapel, i'm praying lah :p

with my dearest June kew at little india :)

Visited MBS too! Some teachers can still recognize haha
also went to visit Pn.Wong and her new born baby :D

oh! and also our beloved maths teacher, Mr.Tan who is now retired and enjoying his life with the family :)

still have many pics, but lazy
to post up adee.haha
if you realize, i have been really lazy
to update my blog lately :p