Monday, May 20, 2013

STOMP Timor Leste

Hello! :) After stepping down, my focus now is on Timor Leste mission trip that I will be participating in July with a few students and 2 FES staff :) Before signing up, I was praying about it and a bit concerned la, not sure whether my parents would allow me to go to Timor Leste (not a developed country, in fact, it is a very poor country)..but ta daa, they said 'Yes!' and I got selected :) :)

Dili, Timor Leste :) the one with a red dot.

This mission trip called STOMP TL (Students Together On Mission Partnership, Timor Leste) is organized by the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) Malaysia and is in partnership with International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), East Asia. I would need to raise a minimum of RM4,000 (estimated figure) for the trip. So yes, I'm raising funds now haha if you're interested to partner with me, please let me know :) the amount doesn't matter, I would really appreciate your support and your heart for this mission :)

All funds that I have raised will go to towards a team pool to cover the expenses of the entire mission trip. The reason why we are asked to raise funds is so that we will experience what is like to be sent and allow others who might not be able to participate in this mission trip to be a part of itYour giving is a form of sending me and allowing yourself to partner in this mission trip even though you cannot be physically present there :D

Just to give you a clearer picture of what's happening in Timor Leste, because I think many of us have not heard of this country haha, below is the excerpt from a report written by Ms. Annette (IFES East Asia Staff) :)

"With a population of 1.2 million people in Timor Leste (TL) and a 150,000 in Dili itself, the country and its people are very moving to the heart. Having been colonialized by both the Portugese and the Indonesians, the people are coming out of the shadows and trying to learn what it means to be a country of their own since 2002.

The Timorese are simple people, with a fierce pride in who they are, yet at the same time, trying to find the confidence to throw off the weight of only having basic education; finding a way to feed themselves and their often large families; finding opportunities to get jobs very hard. Joblessness among the Timorese is very high, and many just while away their time, sitting around drinking and smoking and going home to eat plain rice (when it is really down times).

With rising joblessness, there is also rising violence in the country. Many young people belong to gangs and spend their time drinking, smoking and fighting. There are also many children and adults begging. Children and women abuse is high. In fact, TL records the highest index in women and child abuse in Asia..."

So if you are interested to join us in partnership and be part of this mission, please please please let me know :) I will send you the letter for more details. However, do not have to feel obliged to give because I believe my God is a God who provides :D Pray with us? :)

My prayer is still the same.. is that God will break my heart for what breaks His :)

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