Yesterday, we had AGM and closing for this sidang. The night before I was preparing a speech for AGM and the video compilation for PKA Closing. It never hit me until then.. that I truly love this family, a lot. I always thought that AGM would be the day that I look forward to, ever since the first day I step up as the President..when different people came and asked me, 'So how you feel ah, AGM this friday?'.. I would reply,'Yay!', 'Good!' or 'Can't wait!' haha.. but surprisingly that night, my heart was a bit sayang to let go. I know it is time to let go and let the younger ones to step up. haha just that.. sayang-lah.. It has been a big part of me; bangun PKA, tidur PKA haha nah just kidding. Looking back at all the past photos and videos, they bring me a lot of laughter, sweet memories and reminders of God's goodness in PKA. It has been a great journey :) I want to thank you, fellow friends, who have journeyed with me and cheered me on! I thank God for His faithfulness for this past sidang. Without Him, I wouldn't be able to make it.
And is finished! :)
All Glory to Jesus.
All Glory to Jesus.
well done, carmen :) *hug*
ReplyDeletePraise God forevermore!
yes thank you Waiyan!! :) Thank you for cheering me on all this while :)