Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Awesome plan

Went down to KL for a week before CPR to continue 'SWEEP'. During SWEEP, we only visited 2 homes (attachments) because we spent 3 days for each attachment.. I visited St.Mark's Cozy Home and Shelter Home (a school for myanmar refugee children) during SWEEP. So right after SWEEP, I came out with this plan where we can cover most of the attachments and randomly named it 'The Awesome Plan.' :)

The Awesome plan schedule
Monday - Crisis Home
Tuesday - Shelter Home
Wednesday - Shelter Home
Thursday - United Voice
Friday - St.Mark's
Saturday - Malaysian Association for the Blind (canceled)

I will roughly share what we did during Awesome plan (requested by Joshua) and what I have received personally :)

Day 1
Crisis Home

On the first day, we visited Crisis Home. This is a home for individuals living with HIV/Aids. Jai and other sweepers organised a birthday celebration for a few people there. I think it was my first time having physical touch with HIV/Aids patients? To be honest, I felt a bit scared before I went.. I clearly know that Aids virus is not transmitted through physical touch, eating together, saliva, etc, But somehow I was just scaring myself by thinking too much.. macam orang bodo -.- I prayed. What would Jesus do? Then I went. As soon as I reached there, I felt so welcomed. They shook my hands and welcomed me with a big smile :) They are really friendly and nice..FUNNY TOO! I think I spent 80% of my time there just laughing!

BBQ :)

Helped uncle Fai to cook 'penang char koay teow' aka normal mihun :p

Birthday boys

birthday cake :)

We played games and did Worship too :)

I'm happy to see them smiling and laughing because so many times they are being discriminated and left behind by the community. It matters so much to them by just being there as their friends. Actually what hit me most was sweepers themselves. I'm impressed by some of them who actually have the heart for these group of people. They made the preparations for the celebration without complaining about anything. Great job guys!

Day 2 & Day 3
Shelter Home

I was excited to go back to shelter home after one month as I really missed the children there. But this time, they were naughty! Wahhh, I cannot tahan. I think many times I reacted in anger and frustration rather than to respond in love :( Some may say it's ok to discipline the children but I think it's also important for me to reflect on myself and my own heart. After my first day there, I reminded myself on the reason why I was there. My focus has to be constantly fixed on Jesus. I can always do social work with my own strength, which I don't want. My strength comes from God.
The next day, I taught them some basic mathematics. I enjoyed myself very much, somehow! Sayang them laa.. Emily kissed me! Lily kissed me! Received two kisses, happy lah! :D Sometimes memang naughty la but which kid doesn't? :) And there was this boy, his name is Apivit. He is soooo cute. I can't understand him 90% of the time because he only communicate with me by using body language as he can't speak in english... "Teacher!! Ee ee eee eh ee ah!"

Actually mereka semua budak baik lar :)

Carmen : What are you drawing? Who is this?
Emily : Jeee-sus!
Carmen : Ohh.. Then this?
Emily : Simon!
Carmen : Why Simon so short one??
Emily : *Giggles*

So what have I learnt during my visitation at Shelter Home?
One thing that struck me is when Teacher Fung said, "Our God is faithful in answering prayers." I was like Wow. A refugee who is seeking for refuge said 'God is faithful'. Apatah lagi budak seperti saya ini yang tidak kelaparan, mempunyai tempat teduh, pakaian cantik, pendidikan, dll. Give thanks with a grateful heart.

Awesome incident! Zhong Xiang's cf van jatuh longkang. LOL

Ta daa! Lesson of the day: Do not put first gear after you parked your car. Thank you. :p

Day 4
United Voice

A centre for people with learning disabilities such as Down syndrome, Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, etc. I had a really great time there..again, most of the time just laughing! :D

Met Izzudin and Intan (members of UV) at Pasar Tani as we help them to sell the things which they make to support themselves. So cool! As I approached passers-by to help them to promote, I realised something. Many times, I reacted like most of the passers-by.. I do not have time for the needy, the disabled. Many of them replied me "I'm in a hurry" or just shook their heads even before I finish my sentence. So this is what I wrote in my journal, "Maybe we are really busy with our own lives..or maybe, just maybe we didn't really care..??.... If there's only one life that I can touch in my life time, then let it be one. May God enlarge my heart."

Perhaps one thing that I've learnt from them is their sincerity and transparency. They are very direct in their speech and all because they don't know how to twist their words or hide their feelings like many of us do. They just say thing as it is and I guess this is why they are so special :)

Helped them to make Raya cards.

Father, You love them just the same. May Your name be glorified even through them. May they find true wisdom, love and grace in You. In Jesus' name, amen.

Day 5

Going back to St.Mark gave me a whole new feeling altogether. Obviously, they couldn't remember me, lol. But seeing them again like visiting my own grandmas and grandpas. They were all so happy just because we were there. We didn't give them money or food, we were just there.

Uncle Chiew. I like him. He is very cute. As you can see, he has a lot of things on his wheelchair. He wrote his name on his pants, shoes, medicine, bottle, everything! so cute kan :D He is very nice to his wife too. He would wait for his wife outside the toilet, prepare bread for her, etc. So I kaypo and asked him about his love story :p He said,"Ngo lou ma chi on phai keh." (It was an arranged marriage by my mum) Then I asked, "A good wife right?" and he couldn't agree more. He remembered how his wife helped him and supported him through all the difficulties in his businesses when he was young. Ah, how lovely :)

Then, there is this uncle who is very sick. He can't talk.. He is always sitting on the wheelchair. Can hardly open his eyes. Then when we were about to leave, I walked passed him but suddenly he grabbed my hand so tightly.. I was quite surprised. I bended towards him and asked, "Uncle, mat yeh si?" (Yes uncle?) He didn't say anything. "Uncle, lei hou mou?" (Uncle, how are you?) He remained silent. I looked at him and felt so helpless.. He did not let go of my hand. I continued, "Uncle, lei yiu sun yeh sou." (Uncle, you have to believe in Jesus). He looked at me with his half-opened left eye without saying a word. I'm not sure if he understood but I prayed for him. I think sometimes even when we want to help others, we don't know how. But God can. He saw us even before we were born. He knows our names. Most importantly, He cares.

Hugged Allison before I left :) Sayanggg :) :)

Lastly, Thank you dear sweepers who joined the Awesome plan and also those who kept us in prayer. Indeed there is power in coming together, supporting, encouraging and building each other.
Thank you! :)

Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
Don’t worry about evil people who prosper
or fret about their wicked schemes.

Stop being angry!
Turn from your rage!
Do not lose your temper—
it only leads to harm.
For the wicked will be destroyed,
but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land.

Psalm 37:5-9

Monday, July 18, 2011

Reon Phang

Haha. This pic always put a smile on my face.
My fat and cheeky niece!! :) rindunyer.

slow to anger, quick to listen

"Quick to listen” was what James was advocating. Slow down judgment but speed up the understanding. Simple. But it’s hard. Because there’s so much within us—experience, reading, insights, lessons, tons of “wisdom”—waiting to ooze out and fix the “problem” before us.

Being “slow to anger” and “quick to listen” to me involves emptying oneself at least for the moment. It involves creating space for the “other” to simply be, for a moment.

Our role is more as a companion, to walk alongside those who are genuinely seeking to make sense of life in all it’s complexities. This act of “kenosis,” i.e. the emptying of ourselves, or by implication the restraint of or limiting our “power” doesn’t mean we jump into the mud of these complexities uncritically; but it does give the phrase “getting our hands dirty” a fresh twist.

When we are in the midst of this process, we will need to confront the insecurity and uncertainty it brings. But we don’t have to be afraid, especially when our faith is in the One who holds on to us (somehow and in some way!).

-Sivin Kit-

Wow. How true. At least for me :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Truth that cannot be covered

:'( so far, this is the only bersih video that made me cry. The people were standing for what is right yet they were treated like criminals. Heart-breaking.. People are often killed not by bullets but ignorance, inhumanity!!
Enough is Enough.
To you who hurt your own citizens when you're suppose to protect the innocence, to you who still think that Bersih has caused you to miss your weekend shopping, to you who said 'what's with everyone and bersih? it's such a waste of time' AND YOU WHO SAID THAT BERSIH has caused you to lose your 'RM 7 billion' profit by not being able to sell ice-creams a day (and the list goes on), I feel so sorry for you because you have eyes but do not see.

To you who walked and stood for what is right on my behalf and for the generations to come, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!! :') Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!

You have shown me that we have the right to stand for Justice
You have shown me that we have the right to speak up for the Truth
You have shown me the real meaning of 1Malaysia
Thank you!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Malaysians march together

If this old lady is joining the Bersih rally to 'fight' for a better future for the next generation, I don't think there's any excuse for us (the younger generation) to leave Malaysia behind.

I think I never understood the meaning of our national anthem until last year when I saw a large crowd of young people lifting up their state flag and Malaysia flag during National Conference. Til then, I have never felt so 'Malaysian'.

Through Bersih 2.0, I don't just see young people from different states but malaysians from all over the world coming together with one voice, standing together for the same cause.

Malay? Chinese? Indian? Iban?
There's only one race.
It's called the human race.

Kami semua,
anak bangsa Malaysia.

ONE Malaysia,
Hidup Rakyat!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

9 July 2011

The immovable are moving.
How about you?

The time is now!

Bangkitlah anak-anak bangsa Malaysia!

Phang Carmen,
anak bangsa Malaysia.

(curi bro's brazil jersey from his closet :p)

Friday, July 8, 2011


I met this friend of mine last year around this time I think? When I first saw her, she was sitting right opposite of me! (maybe because she thinks I'm awesome :p) Then so perasan you know, baru kenal less than 2 jam, already ask me to fetch her the next day to BE :p But I didn't reject her la because I'm just too kind.hahahahaa
and somehow we were in the same cell group..ah baru i terfikir! maybe she copy me! She always bully me :( and abuse me :( so sad.. maybe she is jealous, because i'm cuter than her..ahahaha but i choose to forgive her because I'm a good girl :)

Woon. Tien. Hui. I want to say Thank You!
For the encouragement, things that you've taught me and for sharing your life with me, whether it's directly or indirectly.
I would like to be invited to your wedding in the future :p

Cina balik kampung kluang :p

I believe God will use you more than just producing brochures and flyers for NGOs in the future ...because you have so much more to offer! :)

use your batman watch to tembak si iblis!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


1. There are still many questions running in my mind even after SWEEP. When will I have answers to all these questions? Praying that God will reveal to me His truth and speak to me even as I go through this season of my life..

2. Going down to KL again on 17th of july to visit more places like Crisis Home, Refugees School, United Voice, Malaysian Association for the Blind and St.Mark. I'm excited :) Pray that my heart will grow to contain the community and even the nation.

3. I'm doing so much planning this month.
SWEEP planning, SEW planning

and CPR planning.Have to always remind
myself to do it with joy and a heart
wanting to serve God.

4. I can't find my yellow T-shirt, where is my one and only yellow t-shirt????????
So ridiculous, I just saw it before I left KL. now hilang.

MANA ANDA???? :(

5. I'm supporting Bersih because I don't like kotor!!

6. Tomorrow is my last day of work. HOOOOO------RAY!"Be patient with I learn to be more like Christ! Thank you :)"

ajarlah aku servanthood

My grandma asked me to go out and buy some fried potatoes.
I was like... 'Why didn't tell me earlier..I just came back..always like that'

"Now ah?"
"Can or not?"
Aiyohh... Servanthood Carmen, servanthood!
"Can or not?"
:( idontwantbut "Ok-ayy."

Came back with the potatoes and saw her eating happily :)
hmm.. gembira nampak :)

Ever since I've decided to serve in PKA, there are 2 things that God has reminded me:
1. Servanthood starts at home
2. Washing each other's feet

My Sifu showed me that being a leader is about going down to other people's level and serve them.

"And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you." John 13:14-15

My Sifu came to serve.
Not to be served.

ps: actually I look up to van drivers in churches and those who are constantly serving behind the scene.A big thank you to all of you :)

i'm coming home

“But then I will win her back once again.
I will lead her into the desert
and speak tenderly to her there.

I will return her vineyards to her
and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope.
She will give herself to me there,
as she did long ago when she was young,
when I freed her from her captivity in Egypt.
Hosea 2:14-15

So close, I believe
You're holding me now
In Your hands, I belong
You'll never let me go.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

indeed working life is not easy

Queen has already started working since last wednesday. but i think tomorrow is my last day of work! HAHAHAHA why? because i'm too awesome for the job. hahaha. actually the company is only looking for somebody to help out for a short period. Since I'm flexible, so I accepted. Basically what we do is check overseas exam papers sent in by markers. Yup, I'm working at Magnificent Freedom :) My boss is very nice and she is a christian too. She never scold me... even when I ask her the same thing again and again (my forgetfulness is not helping me!) My colleagues are nice and helpful too! :) kena bully from moy wei sern only :( huhu but I feel stress because we need to concentrate on what we make sure there is no mistake.. if not kesian the student kan. so yeala, this work doesn't require me to use my mouth :X itulah cabarannya.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Why should you care?

Modern Day Slavery?
Yes, it still happens today.

"With an earth like this, who needs hell?"

These days they attack me
even in my home
why then do they say:
'there's no place like home?'
I am robbed in my playground
raped in my school
bombed in cinemas
bus stations
flea markets
and shopping malls
I am the target
no matter who I am
is there a safe place for me to play?
please show me the way

I need refuge
yet no place on earth is safe
your government says
I can stay for awhile
yet I am harassed
in your airports

I may work for your people
yet I can be whipped
if my boss does not have my papers
from a human being
with dignity
I am reduced to an animal
they call 'the undocumented'

how can you call this place earth
for me it's a big battle field
sometimes there are no guns
but too often I am killed
not by bullets
but ignorance
by hatred

sometimes it depends on
which side you're on
take sides they say
as the ones without sides
are the ones hurt the most

so I took sides
and it seems there is no difference
except for the battle of egos

with an earth like this
who needs hell?
no one speaks anymore
all want to play safe
but to play safe for you
is to put me in danger
yet why should you care?
thinking of others is not compulsory
these days, such attitudes
are as scarce as the land we all seek
as elusive as the word 'peace'.

(Susan Loone, 03May06 Bangkok)